This is an open letter from my friends at, that explains the mission behind Moving Planet:
Dear friends,
This is an invitation to help move the planet. On the 24th of September I am teaming up with organizers all across the globe to organize a day of action called Moving Planet: a day to move beyond fossil fuels.
I’m writing to ask you to join me and help make this day historic -- a day where we succeed in mobilizing an unprecedented wave of people calling for a shift in our energy systems to cleaner, safer sources and for real action on the climate crisis -- at scale that science and justice demand.
Some of the same people who filled Tahrir Square for the Egyptian revolution are leading up the organizing efforts in Cairo. In Afghanistan, a 14 year old boy is organizing his community to get involved. Thousands of farmers and villagers are mobilizing in rural Andhra Pradesh, India calling for clean, sustainable development, not the new coal plants that corporations want to impose there. In Chicago, USA, organizers are moving forward on a ‘Roll Against Coal’ bike march past Chicago’s dirtiest coal plants, to move their city to a clean energy future. You can be a part of this. Right here.
Please join us and take out your bike, or take a walk, and ask everyone you know here at home or anywhere in the world to get involved.
For more information you can visit:
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229