Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Warning Signs of Teen Dating Violence

It starts with the words, “I love you,” and it ends with a punch in the face. It starts with the line, “It’s us against the world,” and it ends with her against the wall in tears. It starts with the suggestion of what to wear, and it ends with him saying, “I tear you down to build you up. You are mine.” I have heard the stories. I have seen the pain. So let’s look at the warning signs that every teen needs to know as well as parents. Yes, it’s a “family problem”, however with education and the ability to be proactive every teen has the opportunity to escape the wrath of an abuser – safely. Please do not ignore the following information.

See the rest of the article HERE.

About the Author....

Anne Jacoby

Anny is a Survivor of Domestic Violence with many years as a Certified Advocate. She firmly believes that EVERY female has the absolute right to protect and defend herself mentality, emotionally, spiritually and ultimately physically.

Anny received her PDR (Personal Defense Readiness) Instructor Certification in 2008.





Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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