Sunday, August 7, 2011

Domestic Violence Statistics

People ask me all the time, why do I talk about domestic violence as part of my self defense workshops or classes?

It's simple really!

Because South Carolina ranks 6th in the nation in domestic violence and is currently 10th on the list for domestic violence murders!

While I love South Carolina, the cold hard truth is women in this state are more likely to be attacked by someone they know, then a complete stranger.

As such, here are some statistics that I pulled a couple of years ago, that haven't changed much since then:

Domestic Violence Statistics

Sex of Victim
Male 24.0%
Female 76.0%

Ex-spouse 2.5%
Family 31.5%
Romantic 28.3%
Marital 37.7%

Substance Use
Alcohol 23.6%
Drugs .7%
Drugs & alcohol 1.2%
No substance 74.5%

Homicide .2%
Sexual violence 2.6%
Robbery .3%
Aggravated assault 21.1%
Simple assault 65.4%


Blunt objects 18.8%
Firearms 12.2%
Knives 20.0%
Motor vehicles 3.2%
Other 5.7%

Victims Age
<4 1.1%
5-9 1.6%
10-14 3.4%
15-17 4.9%
18-24 22.4%
25-34 31.5%
35-44 22.5%
45-54 8.3%
55-64 2.8%
>65 1.5%


Broken bones 1.0%
Death .5%
Internal injuries .9%
Knocked unconscious .3%
Loss of teeth .3%
Major injury 5.2%
Minor injury 83.4%
Severe laceration 8.5%

Bar/Nightclub .9%
Commercial/office 2.4%
Convenience store .6%
Educational institution .4%
Highway/roads 5.6%
Hotel/motel 1.1%
Other 1.8%
Parking lot 1.1%
Private residence 86.1%

Day of the Week

Sunday 17.0%
Monday 12.7%
Tuesday 12.7%
Wednesday 12.2%
Thursday 12.5%
Friday 14.0%
Saturday 18.9%

Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, there is no one single factor that explains why men and women assault or abuse their spouses. Based on my research, there is a general consensus that you will find one or many of the traits listed below of abusers:

  • Relative young age 18-30 years old (lack of maturity)
  • Low income
  • Growing up in a violent or abusive family
  • Alcohol or substance abuse
  • Unemployment
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Low job satisfaction
  • Problem with anger management
  • Most offenders tend to have an anti-social personality
  • Impaired ability to feel guilt, remorse or anxiety

If you, or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please seek help from either me, one of your other professors, your family, your church or a local domestic organization like Sister Care, which does tremendous work in the Columbia area.

If you would like additional resources, please visit on online resource website that has lots of information on it about domestic violence, including a resources tab at Everything Self Defense.


Sensei Chris Feldt

Samurai karate Studio

Columbia, SC 29229


3 Reasons Why Women Get Assaulted

As part of my beginner karate class at USC, I take 5-10 minute of every class and share topics that are related to assault that I want my students to understand.

There are many reasons why women get assaulted, however, most studies show that a woman gets targeted for assault for 3 MAIN reasons.  You might be surprised with the answers.  No, it doesn't have to do with how HOT the women looks or how SEXY she might be dressed.

AND yes, nearly 25% of all assault is female on man, so these rules apply to both sexes.

Reason # 1

Research shows the number one reason women get assaulted is due to poor body language.  In other words, how you walk, how you carry yourself when you are out in public is a large factor in determining if you get targeted.

Do you recognize yourself in this description?

Do you walk with your head down, your shoulders slumped, your chest in?  Do you generally keep your hands in your pockets? Do you walk with purpose or just shuffle along at a slow pace?  Do you make any eye contact?

Some people are under the impression, if they appear small, no one will notice them.  Well, they are wrong and potentially inviting trouble!

Attackers are looking for people they believe will give them little or no resistance.  The attacker wants to get in quickly, strike and take his victim to a secondary location without being seen or heard.  They are looking for someone who appears to be weak, afraid or timid.  Attackers are basically cowards and they don't want to attack anyone that they can't control easily!  So, if you look like you might put up a fight, there is a good chance the attacker will pass on you.

Why do you think the elderly get attacked so often?  Because a 90 year old is not expected to put up much of a fight if confronted!  It's a miracle that they can even walk, right?

So, I want YOU to start today, changing how you walk!  I want you to walk with a purposeful stride, like you know where you are going and what you want.  I want you to walk with your head up, shoulders back and chest pumped out!  You are walking with some "attitude" and your body language is communicating CONFIDENCE!  You want to allow your arms to swing with each stride, as psychologically, this makes you appear to be larger than you really are.  Plus, having your arms free allows you to react quicker if attacked.

Yes, I want you to make EYE CONTACT! The kind that says "I know you are there and I am making sure you know I know....and by the way, I am not afraid of you" kind of eye contact.

Need more convincing?  Just take a look around you and watch people walking in the grocery store or in the parking lot.  I am pretty certain you will be able to spot the people who are confident and portray a very strong body language and the ones who don't.

One last note about body language.  One of the most important aspects of walking with a strong body image is having your head up.  This gives your eyes the ability to remain vigilant, constantly looking for potential danger.

Reason # 2

The second most common reason women get assaulted is lack of awareness.

Are you the type that turns their back to the crowd when answering your cell phone?  I know you are trying to be polite and make the conversation quiet and private, however, you are creating a perfect opportunity to strike.

Are you someone who likes to carry a big pocket book?  I remember my mother carried this huge bag around that I could get lost in when I was a young child.  Trying to find the car keys sometimes took days!

Well, I might be exaggerating, but you get my point.  When you become focused on a singular task, that is the time that attackers like to strike.

How about sitting in your car texting or maybe updating your check book since you were shopping and purchased some items?  Another big NO, NO!

Walking into the rest room without checking to see if anyone was following you?  Looking for something in the trunk of your car?  Running the neighborhood with your Ipod at full blast and your earphones on both ears?

We live in a society filled with so many distractions every day, however, we MUST do all we can to be alert and aware when we are out somewhere and potentially vulnerable!

Reason # 3

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time!

We can't always control this, but we need to be aware and try to avoid places that could potentially be dangerous.  For example, the roof of the parking garage at the mall late at night, say during the Christmas holidays, when the stores stay open late.  Conversely, parking in the basement of a downtown parking garage.  Parking far away from the football stadium in a poorly lit parking lot.  Leaving your place of work by yourself late at night.

If you live in a city, walking down a dark alley!

Hopefully you get the picture.

I feel like you can't always prevent this, because sometimes there are circumstances beyond your control (getting a flat tire on a country road or highway); however, be mindful of potential areas that you would be vulnerable in and avoid them to the best of your ability.  Try to leave work with a friend or make arrangements to have someone pick you up.  Be patient and search for another parking spot that isn't so far away or in an area that has better security.  Don't try to change that car tire.  Call a family member or friend for help.

The Big Three

Attackers pick their victims for lots of reasons and there is NO way to predict with 100% accuracy how to avoid an attack.  However, research has shown the above reasons to be the 3 most consistent reasons given  by attackers that were caught.

If you work on creating a confident and strong body language, maintain a high alert level at all times and  avoid areas that could represent trouble for you, then you will go a long way towards helping yourself stay safe!

Sensei Chris Feldt

2000 Clemson Road

Suite # 9

Columbia, SC 29229


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Samuari Karate Studio To Offer FREE Self Defense Workshop For Women

Samurai Karate Studio will be offering a FREE self defense workshop for women on Monday, Augus 29th at 7:30pm. This is the 3rd free workshop I am offering this year.

Because South Carolina ranks 6th in the nation in domestic violence!

Because it is back to school time and one of the most targeted ages for sexual assault, is girls 18 to 24 year!

The Mission

I am a man on a mission!  My goal is to reach out to the community and help empower as many women as possible.  If I can prevent ONE women from being sexually assaulted, or even murdered, well, then I will have done something GRAND in my life!  Yes?

The Workshop

During my workshop, I will share my knowledge in a classroom lecture setting, some important aspects of assault.  This typically will include dialog about self defense law, domestic violence facts, the 3 main reasons women get assaulted, attack indicators, what happens to the body when it is afraid, the power of your voice and common every day weapons.

Once everyone is comfortable with me, we move to the mat and target specific areas of self defense, including  stances, strikes and kicks and fighting multiple attackers.

We finish up by demonstrating specific techniques against assault, particularly choking.


The workshop is FREE as part of my community service initiative that is part of my school, however, I am asking for donations to The Samurai Foundation, which is a non-profit 503c organization that has been created to further serve women and children in need in the Richland Northeast Columbia communities.  If you go to the foundation's website, you can donate on line.

One Last Thing

The age of participation is 15 years or older.  Due to the senitive nature of some of the topics that are discussed, this workshop requires older, more mature teens.

As for one the mat training, please wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to move around.  We train in our barefeet on the mat, so if necessary, bring slippers or socks if you are shy!

Lastly, bring an open mind and positive attitude.

Yes, attitude!


Because having a positive and confident attitude might make the difference between life or death in an assault and we practice and train, like we were on the street.  So, in the event something were to ever happen, your body is ready for it.

Self defense begins and ends with the mind!

Come prepared and ready and you will really enjoy this workshop.

Please call 803-462-9425 or email me at to register for this event!  It will be limited to 30 participants.

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229